As Utah plays the perennial Lucy to my Charlie Brown, proffering a balmy football helpfully labeled "SPRING" by the Great Editorial Cartoonist in the Sky, only to cruelly yank it away at the last moment, the season's new life *is* creeping into #Occupy. Not that #Occupy has been asleep at the switch - only yesterday, #OccupyOakland attracted enough attention from the police to earn the now-traditional " Greetings Citizen, We've Noticed You " gift basket of non-lethal gadgetry. No, sir, #Occupy have been busy little bees; it is I who have been remiss in reporting on domestic protest movements. It's an unforgivable lapse, really, but I've been busy traveling to L.A . and evangelizing about potatoes , while going to class part-time/online and tumbling head over heels down a rabbit hole of deepening interest in the occult. Anyhow. As always, #OccupySLC's hub page can be found here . Facebook discussion forum complete with 6,000% of your ...