posted 9/25/2012 by the Salt City Sinner When we last touched base with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe "Tough Guy" Arpaio, he was industriously applying his puckered lizard pseudo-lips to the powdered ass-cheeks of a noted member of the landed gentry, one Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley. Lord knows it's a proud and celebrated tradition here in the colony to suck up to the British aristocracy - remember just last week when Elizabeth Warren flew to London to pay tribute to our beloved Queen? No? Me neither. Anyway, it seems that Sheriff Joe's twenty-some-odd year reign of terror is (maybe? hopefully?) on its way down the tubes: Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio recently lost support among his Maricopa County constituents amid a high-profile attempt to prove that President Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate is a forgery, a new poll finds. According to the poll commissioned by Citizens for a Better Arizona, a group helmed by progressive activ...