posted 1/25/2013 by the Salt City Sinner What is it with Aaron Klein and the occult? I can easily explain my own fascination, but A.) I'm not a worshiper of YHWH, and B.) I'm not ensconced in a worldview where demonic entities are lurking around every corner, curdling milk and snacking on good Christian infants. In fact, summoning or communicating with "demonic" forces is like many facets of magick or occult practice-- tricky, difficult, and not for the lazy or inexperienced. Yesterday we were illuminated by Klein's theory that the Sandy Hook massacre was motivated by Satanism (a theory based on one statement by one sketchy source to a tabloid that Adam Lanza had a "web page with the word 'SATAN' on it" in Gothic font -- impeccable "journalism," Aaron!). Well kiss my grits and slap my hamhocks silly, because Investigator Klein is back with a bold new theorem, this time regarding the possible demonic possession and/or actua...