Posted on 9/21/2019 by the Salt City Sinner By the pricking of my thumbs… something wicked this way comes. Or, at any rate, it might if we’re lucky! The Satanic Temple – an organization of which I am a proud member and about which I have written in the past – is holding something of a contest, you see. We’re raising money for the Temple’s Reproductive Religious Rights campaign. The state that raises the most money by midnight on Halloween will get to host the 2020 Reproductive Religious Rights Rally. Given recent attempts by some Utahns to restrict women’s access to legal abortion, the time to support bodily autonomy is now. I cannot think of a better place than Salt Lake City (with the possible exception of Vatican City) to hold the Satanic Temple’s rally. If you’d like to help make that happen, you can donate to Salt Lake’s efforts here , or you can attend our Unholy Congregation this October: It will be a family-friendly event, held at Crone’s Hollow (the ow...