posted on 6/21/2012 by the Salt City Sinner In the near-perfect final scenes of Kill Bill: Vol. 2 , Bill (played by none other than stone-faced, living Easter Island statue David Carradine) holds court in his hacienda, and introduces his final monologue by saying, quite simply, "As you know, I am a great fan of comic books." I, too, am a great fan of comic books . But I am also a great fan of horror movies, especially the kind that have been inspired by the Netflix Insurgency. You see, time was, a horror movie that went straight to DVD was guaranteed to be of the babe-slashing, misogynistic, predictable "BOO!" variety. The major franchises were similarly hideous - let us not forget Jason X (AKA "Jason In Space"), which was odious but also so self-conscious of its odiousness that it attempted a brazen sort of postmodern tongue in cheek that fell flat as a rug. YEAH DUDE Thanks to Netflix's predator-drone marketing, a crop of what I've ...