posted on 2/14/2019 by the Salt City Sinner Love! The stuff of legends; of fleets launched, genocides committed or averted, friends betrayed and loyalties upheld. It’s also the stuff of commerce, serving as a high-fructose additive to movies, music, and other entertainment that might otherwise be too intellectually nutrient-dense for folks to stomach. As such, even those of us sworn to darkness can’t seem to avoid it this time of year. Consider pink glitter to be an appropriate synecdoche; “romance” winds up getting into everything, unavoidably and infuriatingly cluttering up, jamming, and grinding to a halt the everyday enjoyment of life. Now, I’m not here to cast aspersions on pair-bonding, necessarily. There are certainly advantages to such a lifestyle choice, and the vast, vast majority of humans live their lives that way. I’ve even heard rumors (too unspeakable to repeat here) that coupling up is in some way related to the perpetuation of the human species, although,...