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"Tough Guy" Sheriff Joe Arpaio Sucking Up To The Royals?

Posted on 5/29/2012 by the Salt City Sinner

Self-styled "America's Toughest Sheriff," Joe Arpaio has set out on a lonely mission these days.

Joe "Tough Guy" Arpaio, picking on prisoners. Isn't Fascism a blast?
For starters, Joe "Tough Guy" Arpaio is well known for picking on the poor and imprisoned In my household, growing up, we had a name for guys who love to pick on people already kicked down - bullies. Bullies and Fascism go together like a slice of lemon and a glass of refreshing water.

Look how happy he is to make Maricopa County prisoners wear pink underwear! Why did he do such a thing, and why does he make most of his prisoners live in stifling tent cities (which he, in his own psychopathic words, has described as "concentration camps") in one of the most hot and horrible climates in the United States? For Freedom, of course! American Fascists are all about Freedom!

Arpaio is all about Freedom!

Arpaio is a loathsome piece of $h!t, wrapped up in his own personal complexes of imaginary persecution and the "white" race, obsession with Nationalism, and jack-booted crack-downs on brown-skinned people. He is a true American Piece of Work.

He might be "Ammurika's Tuffest Sheriff," but I have a feeling that even my frail and enfeebled little body could level him with one strong blow to the gut, which, gods willing, I will never have the chance to try. What I'm trying to say is that I hate Fascists, and I hate Sheriff Joe quite a bit. This is no personal threat, by the way - I hope he goes down the True American way, which is to say broke and in disgrace. As far as disgrace goes, hey, we're halfway there already - although he doesn't seem to realize it.

As the most Fascist Sheriff in America, Arpaio has done a lot of dumb $h!t. This obsession with President Obama's racial background is perhaps the foulest example thus far.

He is one of the few elected officials who has fully embraced Birtherism, claiming that for one reason or another President Barack Obama is ineligible for office due to the circumstances of his lineage. Bold move, "Tough Guy" Joe!

Well look who sponsored/originated this travesty
Arizona Secretary of State Ken Bennett has been on the case (along with WND, clearinghouse for the most insane Fascist and/or Christian Theocrat garbage you will find this side of Stormfront), leading to such serious, 'light-hearted' headlines as 'Hawaii Five-O; Sheriff Joe Sends Detectives to Honolulu' and 'Posse in Hawaii: 'Shocking" News Coming."

The latest news at WND is that noted climate-change denier, regular right-wing news radio guest and/or host, and general scum of the Earth Lord Christopher Monckton, has opened his fat and Lorded yap about the Obama birth certificate / Birther / Cold Case Posse $h!t typhoon with this intelligent take on matters:

Comporting one's self like a True British Lord

The U.K.'s Lord Christopher Monckton, known internationally for his climate-change skepticism, is calling on those still skeptical about Barack Obama's eligibility to be president to put their money where their mouth is and back Arpaio's ongoing Cold Case Posse investigation into the current occupant of the Oval Office.

So Lord Monckton, as he's known on right wing radio and media, was in Tombstone to rattle Arpaio's cup this Memorial Day. Charming.

And par for the course for Arpaio, who like any good Fascist knows he needs money to put where his mouth is - namely puckered around the anus of Satan.


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