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Utah Inland Port Calls Rural Utah's Bluff on Localism

get ready for it to get even worse

posted on 5/17/2019 by the Salt City Sinner
Localism! It’s a form of lesser magick that everyone loves, except when they don’t. Where should we vest certain authorities – the authority to tax, to regulate, to run a geographic area’s affairs?

Here in Utah, the balance of power that creates the most heat and friction is undoubtedly the question of federal lands. Protected land is a perennial source of fist-pounding, foot-stomping rage to (mostly white) rural Utahns, some of whom would like the unrestricted right to go yee-hawing around on their toys, others of whom have a more material interest in resource extraction and the decimation of national monuments. 

You could argue, were you so disposed, that this constitutes a breach of rural sovereignty by a bunch of supposedly-enlightened liberal soy boys and city-dwellers. That’s a discussion I’d be willing to have; one in which I would be very quick to point out that it’s perhaps not so much the interest of rural Utahns that these local jurisdictions protect as the very specific interests of rural WHITE Utahns. (Whine and squeal all you like when I call you racist, San Juan County Republicans – we’ve got the receipts.)

Well, I suppose that one good kick in the municipalities deserves another. The coming massive inland port, I would argue, is both rural Utah and the Utah legislature’s passive-aggressive, underhanded revenge. The port is to be a shipping and trucking hub with a special tax structure and foreign trade zones  built in, the idea being that Salt Lake City will become a trucking and shipping hub for the region and facilitate not only the movement of goods through it, but an increase in exports from Utah businesses.

The inland port has been in the works since the 1970s. It will eat up a truly astonishing amount of Salt Lake’s northwest quadrant, and rather than Salt Lake having authority over it, Utah State (in its infinite wisdom) will be handling the tax and regulatory decisions on our behalf. Before you remark on how considerate of them that is, keep in mind that one of the biggest issues with the port will undoubtedly be coal exports, which rural Utah (and the State Legislature) is very much in favor of, but which Salt Lake City residents (myself included) oppose on both local and global environmental grounds.

Indeed, revenge isn’t (I would argue) the primary motivation for the inland port. As always, the pertinent question is ‘cui bono?” and the answer in this case might be illuminated by the push for a west coast deep water port where Utah can unload the tons of coal shipped there from our inland port, where it’s bound (probably? maybe?) for China, there to combust and render our planet swiftly uninhabitable.

What is one of the most pressing issues in Salt Lake City? Air quality. So let’s run a veritable Niagara Falls of 18-sheelers through it – never breathe what you can’t see, right?

The inland port is going to take up two thirds of Salt Lake’s land mass? How many seats are on the Board for the port – eleven? Well, I’d say that it’s fair for you urban latte-sippers to get…. Oh, let’s say two seats. 67% of your land in exchange for 18% of the vote – you’re welcome, apostates!

Whether it’s rural Utah’s deliberate revenge against us city-dwellers or simply a greedy, pig-eyed grab for a trough full of carbon dollars, the end result of the inland port as it's developing now will be the same; toxic air, the loss of local decision-making power, and the theft of tax revenue by the State Legislature.

And for a group of so-called conservatives supposedly very into the whole local autonomy thing, this is just bad behavior, full stop.


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