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WND Hires Robert Copeland To Write Weekly Column On Race Relations

former Police Commissioner and now WND columnist Robert Copeland

posted on 5/21/2014 by the Salt City Sinner

Resident Jane O’Toole said she overheard Wolfeboro Police Commissioner Robert Copeland use a racial slur in describing President Obama. And in an email to her, Copeland, who is white, acknowledged using the N-word in referring to the president and said he will not apologize.  
“I believe I did use the ‘N’ word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse,” Copeland said in an excerpt from an email he sent to his fellow police commissioners acknowledging his remark and then forwarded to O’Toole. “For this, I do not apologize — he meets and exceeds my criteria for such.”

-- Associated Press

Robert Copeland, the disgraced former Police Commissioner of Wolfesboro, New Hampshire, has been hired by WND (formerly WorldNetDaily) to pen a weekly column on race relations in the US. Salt City Sinner reached WND founder, editor, and CEO Joseph Farah via scrying mirror to learn more.

“By calling President Barack Hussein Obama a ni--...ah, I mean 'the n word,' Commissioner Copeland has proven himself a free speech hero and a man who understands the original intent of our Constitution and the mindset of the Founders (peace be upon them).” Farah paused to apply mascara to his mustache, and then continued:

“Copeland will join commentators like Mychal Massie*, Larry Klayman**, Jack Cashill***, and Colin Flaherty****. We are excited to present the former commissioner's thoughtful, nuanced views on race in this country. This continues WND's tradition of having the most diverse line-up of opinion writers on the entire Internet, anywhere, full stop. We present every point of view from far-right conservatism to white nationalism to Christian Dominionism.” WND originally offered the position to embattled LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling, but Sterling declined, citing concerns that any association with Farah's website might damage his public image.

*: "Many blacks live for the opportunity to be portrayed as victims of rich white men who are racist and say or do something that validates what blacks desire to believe. But Donald Sterling has done more for blacks than Barack Obama."

**: "Under the Obama presidency there has been a role reversal; whites, and particularly rich ones, are now at the back of the bus."

***: "George Zimmerman may have been the least racist person in the state of Florida. It’s like going after Nelson Mandela on civil rights, or Mother Teresa."

****: For a representative quote, consult literally anything he has ever written.


  1. This is part One of an email I sent to the Mayor of Los Angeles and a few City Council Members (I live in L.A.), to the Town Manager and Board of Wolfeboro, and to several other politicians and a few reporters, bloggers, Web hosts, neighborhood group volunteers, and a historian/race relation specialist on May 22:

    Honorable Mayor Garcetti, Councilmember LaBonge, Councilmember Parks, Selectperson Murray, and everyone else,

    I just want to sort of publicly say Thank You to Michael Jordan (again) and to Mark Cuban for being HONEST. Yes, many many people are upset about the main example Mark Cuban used. But still, THANK YOU Mark Cuban for speaking the truth.

    I also want to "publicly" say thank you again to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who looked at MORE THAN JUST ONE SIDE of the Donald Sterling controversy.

    Repeating the first part of an email I earlier sent to members of the Los Angeles City Council and others re: Donald Sterling:
    We humans have been trying to completely get rid of some human traits and human activities for millennia. Many people have tried to wipe out prostitution, as an example, or gambling, as another example. Has anyone succeeded?
    Realistically, I don’t think we will ever be able to eradicate every last racist from the world. I just don’t think it’s possible.
    In the past few decades, we Americans have made many strides toward people treating one another better. We have worked to get rid of racism, we have worked to make things more accessible to all, and worked to extend rights and freedoms to all regardless of race, gender, orientation, etc.
    But it’s also my observation that in our efforts to drive out racism, etc., we Americans have become a much more mean-spirited society. Much more mean spirited.

    And the first part of an email I earlier sent to three officials in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire re: Robert Copeland:
    What kind of mob mentality world is the U.S. turning into? We're not progressing forward into an age of greater acceptance of one another. We're going backwards to vigilanteism.
    I am appalled that we live in a time when private citizens essentially stalk one another, as Jane O'Toole did in her further researching of a fellow citizen whose conversation she'd overheard. Jesus, this is getting quite worrisome to me. I don't want to live in such a vengeful, mob mentality world.

    How many of you are social scientists? Psychologists? How many of you have a detailed understanding of human nature? How many of you have a detailed knowledge of the history of particular place or places over time? In general, in human affairs, things do not continuously improve. Things improve for a while, and then matters either plateau out or things get worse.

    I hope that where the U.S. is headed in the next few decades won't be a repeat of the Nadir of American Race Relations of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. But we humans sometimes do repeat history. Now some of us humans will say, "Wow, what a great quote, so true" when we hear the George Santayana quote, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." And then we promptly fail to remember that.
    [ from Cornell Kimball, Los Angeles -- part Two follows ]

  2. This is part Two of an email I sent to the Mayor of Los Angeles and a few City Council Members (I live in L.A.), to the Town Manager and Board of Wolfeboro, and to several other politicians and a few reporters, bloggers, Web hosts, neighborhood group volunteers, and a historian/race relation specialist:

    Mayor Garcetti, in your heart of hearts you probably think what you're doing is the most compassionate thing to do, the best route to take. To the three officials from Wolfeboro, I'm sure you also truly believe in your heart of hearts that the outrage and subsequent result is the best solution.

    But really, there's been an AWFUL lot of venom being spewed across the U.S. in the past few weeks. If the goal here is for people to be more respectful of one another, that's not what's ocurring. Overall this has resulted in many hateful comments. I don't see many people treating one another with dignity here.

    Maya Angelou means well with her comments too, but really, I think the reactions to Donald Sterling's comments and to Robert Copeland's comments, which turned into national witch-hunts with millions of angry people vs. one, are a sad sign of society actually becoming less nice and moving backwards socially. Some people see Jane O'Toole as a hero. Others of us see her as a McCarthyite-for-anti-racism. Is that where this country is headed?

    Also I have a question: As to this theory that at some point in the not-too-distant future racism will be eradicated -- what exactly is this based on? How does one have enough data to predict that racism will be eradicated within a certain time? And what data does one have? Or anecdotal evidence even?

    Anyway, I'm not a nice person. I'm white and I don't like black people. I prefer to not be around blacks. I ask the non-blacks I know to not bring any blacks to my residence or any event I put on, etc. I don't like black people.

    There are people who wish Donald Sterling and Robert Copeland would die. Some people have suggested some pretty horrible ways. And many people are waiting, just waiting, for racists like me to die.

    I don't like black people. But I don't wish for any black person to die. I'm not waiting for certain black people to die.

    This "wishing for people to die" thought is one of the reasons I cannot support the Civil Rights movement as it's being conducted these days. It's sad enough that Dr. King's message of peace and his practice of peace has now become "No Justice, No Peace." I'm white so I'm not allowed to have an opinion here (and, c'mon, I'm a racist), but I think "No Justice, No Peace" is a huge insult to Dr. King's legacy, an incredibly stinging slap to all the work he did with his philosophy of peace.

    With Regards,
    Cornell Kimball
    from Multi-Cultural Los Angeles

    1. Hi, Cornell, and thanks for your comment

      it's quite possible that racism will never be entirely eliminated. but it's equally likely that we'll never see a world without murder, rape, theft, warfare, or the like. just because these things cannot be (at present) entirely eliminated does not mean that they are good things. no, all of these are *bad* things, worthy of condemnation, and if they can't be eliminated, they should be reduced. and they certainly should be criticized.

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